Initially there are 4 Key Concepts of Media Studies, they are: Audience Institution Language Representation Component 1 is focused in 3 different Sections. Section A of Component 1 will assess the analysis of Media Language and Representation. It will consist of assessing with relation to two of the following aspects: Advertising, Marketing, Music Videos or Newspapers. The choice will be made at random which means there will not be any guaranteed aspect to analyse. There will be 2 questions in this section: One assessing Media Language in audio-visual or print resource, whereas the second one will be extended response comparison question assessing Representation in one set product and in an audio-visual or print resource. Section B will be slightly easier than Section A, it will assess the same aspects plus video games, radio - and Media Concepts. It will include two questions: One stepped question at Media Industries and another at Media Audiences. Component 2 will assess all ...